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My Life Story[part nine]-dating

tank tops ,flaired trousers and long hair ,wasnt alot a fun for me asking a lassie oot,not that i ever said much,didnt want to incriminate myself[lol]....i do remember my mate billy steele getting of with a girl and asking me to walk her pal home.......fuck sake her pal was like 6ft,i alwaes got stuck with the ogre pal,there is alwaes the good looking one and ugly one.ugly was right!! she had more teeth than a racehorse and the breath to myself and billy are walking these two girls home from the disco and billy ends up in a bush with this girl as i just stood under a street lamp with "shrecks" sister...

so......... you gonna winch me or wit[kiss]she says!! ... now i am a shy lad,she virtually picked me up and rammed her tongue down my throat.urghhhh...take a "breath bitch"..5 mins went passed as she taught me how to kiss,ended up she dragged me onto the show me yours!,i show you mine she said"

now ok am a bit slow so she says go on get it out[cock]and i let you touch mine [lol]
so i lets her fumble away at my zip as my hand reaches under her skirt[i still dont know what the fuck am looking for] :-) normally i would guess where her panty line was but hey!! my hand was going up and up..finally found her knicker elastic just under her boobs[bridgit jones knickers indeed],thats how big she was...and before y`all ask i never lost my virginity as her pal dragged her away..........."see you next week alan!!!!!................. like fuck will ya]

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