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My Life Story[part ten]

jobs..........fuck" where do i start here:-), took on a job delivering the milk as a young kid,jumping on and off the milk float in wishaw,dad put a stop to that one when the guy i run about like a tit for refused to pay me..he arrived at my door one night to drop off my wages [minus a chit load] shouted him in.oiiiii alec,come in the kitchen and sit down,as my dad lifted a huge knife and buried it in the table[lol]never seen a guy virtually shit his pants[soon made the wages correct]

i then took on a job selling the "pink sports paper",still in my early teens,running in and out all the pubs in wishaw on a saturday night,working for tommy mccardle,it paid for my chocolate eclaire addiction:-))))...

got a promotion,selling and delivering papers to law hospital in carluke,then went onto to have a perm shop doorway every sunday morning[a money spinner] if you lived in wishaw you probably stopped the car in wishaw cross and bought your papers from a little kid with a big stammer :-)[it was me] :-)

then took on a week end job working in wishaw market on a sat/sunday,this guy sold everything,i made a good salesman,sold a shit load ,just forgot to give him [all] the money :-)),guy caught me one day..... i sold a kettle for like £4 alot a money in them days,he asked where the money was as i said in the bag[not] asked me to empty my pockets,which i did... then i declared "you cheeky bastard!!! accusing me of theft...i went to walk away as my shoe fell off and the money fell out[ooopssss] :-((

tune in to the next diary [living with brothers and sisters...]

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